19 Restaurants Where Unique Dining Takes Center Stage

Explore these 19 one-of-a-kind restaurants, each offering a unique dining experience that goes beyond the plate, from innovative culinary adventures to immersive environments that are sure to captivate and delight your senses.

If natural phenomenon is your prefered source of entertainment, head on over to the Northern Lights Bar in the Ion Hotel, located in Iceland.

Have you ever wanted to enjoy some wildlife while you eat? Well at the Giraffe Manor in Kenya, you can do just that as you enjoy a meal and watch the curious wildlife outside who occasionally, make their way inside.

If you’re not afraid of being underwater and don’t suffer from claustrophobia, this undersea restaurant in the Maldives will let watch ocean wildlife as you eat five meters below the surface.

In Tinajin China, you can enjoy a meal as a prison inmate. There’s no way you’d get me to voluntarily go into a jail cell in China… for any reason.

Can you relate to the woes of a middle aged chemistry teacher who’s battling cancer and turns to selling drugs to make ends meet for his family? Then check out this Breaking Bad themed cafe known as Walter’s Coffee Roastery located in Istanbul, Turkey.

Dining with a view is hard to beat, but what about if you enjoyed a meal cliffside in cave next to the raging waters? That’s exactly wat the ‘Ristorante Grotta Palazzese’, in Puglia Italy offers.

This cool spot in New Zealand has a redwood treehouse that offers a unique way to enjoy your meal in the woods.

If oceans and caves aren’t your ideal spot for a nice view, how about a nice meal at 12,000 feet above sea level? You can do just that at the Aiguille Du Midi restaurant in Chamonix, France.

Winter Is Coming, so it’s best to play it safe and stay indoors while you eat at this Game of Thrones themed pop-up restaurant in London known a “All Men Must Dine’.

This bar in Singapore is called ‘The Clinic’ and is a medical themed cafe to grab a bite to eat or a quick drink.

If you’re like me and you enjoy watching a show or movie while you eat, then you might be interested in the Sci-Fi Dine-in Theater at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida, recreates the experience of enjoying a movie at a drive in theater without the hassle of traffic and whatever else.

If freezing your rear-end off while you dine is your cup of tea, then check out the Snowcastle restaurant of Kemi in Finland.

This safari-themed restaurant in Bali provides guests with the opportunity to dine in the company of Lions.

Speaking of water, if you have ever wanted to dine at the foot of a waterfall, the Labassin Waterfall Restaurant at the Villa Escudero resort in the Philippines may be your ticket.

Fans of wizards, hobbitses, and shiny gold jewelry can escape from reality for a little while as they enjoy a meal at the Green DRagon Pub in ‘Hobbiton’, New Zealand.

At the Hajime Robot Restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand, all the meals are served by a robot chef.

If you’re not afraid of heights, the Netherlands hold the claim of ‘The World’s Only Hot Air Balloon Restaurant’ named Culiar.

This coffee shop known as Truth Coffee in Cape Town, South Africa, offers an cool experience with its mechanical and steam powered decor.

This odd but interesting bar (MUSEUM HR GIGER BAR) in Switzerland where everything is modeled by the artist in the style of his acclaimed ‘Alien’ biomechanical environment and character designs.

The post 19 Restaurants Where Unique Dining Takes Center Stage appeared first on Barnorama.

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