21 Must-Have Gardening Products to Grab on Prime Day

Prime Day brings you 21 gardening must-haves that reviewers can’t stop praising. Enhance your garden with these top picks.

A soil moisture and pH meter for 57% off that you don’t have to be a botanist to read. This inconspicuous device can tell you the aforementioned pH and moisture as well as nutrient and light levels with just one easy-to-use doohickey.

A bag of MiracleGro potting mix for 22% off that includes extra nutrients your plants need to grow big and strong without too much thought. If only it could do the same to keep your nutrition consistent throughout the day.

A kneeler and stool for 32% off to offer support at every level of your garden. Use the bench for sitting, or if you need to get your hands dirty, lower the pad for more comfortable ground-level kneeling.

A composting tumbler for 27% off so you can reduce, reuse, and recycle organic waste and cardboard to keep your garden healthy and fed. This foolproof beginner-friendly composter has two compartments — one side can be in the weeks-long process while you can add new scraps to the other.

A stand-up weed puller for 33% off because keeping your garden looking neat and tidy doesn’t have to be back-breaking work.

A pair of pruning shears at 55% off so you can keep your plants healthy by performing the necessary surgery to keep dead or diseased branches, leaves, and more from spreading their bad vibes.

A 10-pack of seed-starting trays for 40% off that comes with adjustable vents so you can create mini greenhouses to get those buds off to a great start.

A galvanized garden bed for 42% off that is a sturdy, rot-free, and inexpensive option if you want your garden setup to last you decades.

A five-pack of potato growing bags for 35% off that can technically be used to grow other kinds of vegetables, but what is more elite than homegrown french fries, tater tots, au gratin, potato salad, baked potatoes… do I need to go on?

And an herb garden seed set for 43% off because nothing tastes better than meals prepared with homegrown herbs. Impress all your friends with fresh muddled mint in your new signature mojito.

A stackable planter for 35% off if your garden has nowhere to go but up. Perfect for small plants like strawberries, you can really enjoy the ~fruits~ of your labor.

A four-pack of solar-powered garden lights for 41% off, so when your flowers are in full bloom, you can still enjoy the vibes long after the sun goes down.

A 50-foot steel garden hose for 37% off that saves you from wrestling with a heavy hose every time you need to water your plants. Reviewers love how light this flexible hose is to maneuver and that it never kinks!

An indoor herb garden for 62% off because you don’t need a yard or outdoor space to create farm-to-table dinner masterpieces with fresh mint, thyme, basil, parsley, and more of your favorite aromatics.

A garden tote and tool set for 33% off to properly accessorize for all the hard work ahead. This has enough room to store all of your tools (six are included!) plus some of your bounty.

A set of three self-watering planters for 20% off that can trick your neighbors into thinking you’re a plant whisperer who has lush plants that you tend to every day.

A garden tool sharpener for 35% off, so there will never be a ~dull moment~ in your garden. Use this multipurpose tool on your lawn mower blades, shears, scissors, and more.

A rechargeable mosquito repellent for 34% off that will keep bugs away within a 20-foot radius. Save your garden from toxic sprays, plus you can pick this up and move it around as you weed, prune, cut, and more.

A pair of garden gloves for 47% off for the gardener who wants to protect their fingers from the elements while using the touchscreen fingertips to answer emails. Your garden totally counts as working from *home.*

A collapsible wagon cart for 29% off that can help you haul your favorite flowers, plants, mulch, and more. Reviewers say it works well rolling over grass.

The post 21 Must-Have Gardening Products to Grab on Prime Day appeared first on Barnorama.

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