21 Outrageously Dumb Questions Overheard By People

Join 21 individuals as they share the dumbest questions they’ve ever overheard, offering a hilarious glimpse into the amusing side of human curiosity and misunderstanding.

“I’m in IT management. Where do I even begin? ’There’s an error on the screen that says I need to restart to complete the update, what should I do?’”

“This is second hand from a diving guide in Bermuda: ‘how far do you have to dive to get under the island?’”

“‘Where does wood come from?’ This person was 19”

“This girl took my skateboard, just stood on it and asked me ‘Why isn’t it going?’”

“I kid you not someone said ‘is a bird a gas?’”

“‘Is chicken parmesan vegetarian?’”

“Once when I was in a tech support group I literally had a guy email me and ask for my email address.”

“’Did you visit the Chinatown?’ after I told a friend that I had been to China as part of a business trip.”

“A woman was taking her dog to see the vet because when they drank water the fur around their face became darker and they were *very* worried about it. ‘Is it dangerous? Can it hurt her?’
‘No. Have you never noticed that your daughter’s hair gets darker when you wash it…?’”

“Once had an intern ask what a battery was, after someone asked her to pass them two batteries.”

“I’m an identical twin. ‘When you look in the mirror do you think you’re looking at [sister’s name]?’”

“‘How many third cups are in a cup?’ … She worked in a bakery.”

“Working on a tourist sightseeing boat on the ocean in Alaska. Person asks me what elevation we are at. I look down at the ocean and back to them and say, about 10 feet.”

“I worked at an ice cream store and someone came in, looked at the ice cream cone I was handing to someone then looked at me and asked ‘what kind of soups do you have?”

“Why do we need farmers when we have supermarkets. Heard this in real life and blew my mind.”

”’Why don’t they schedule New Year’s Eve so that it’ll always be on a Monday?’”

“‘Is the iced latte hot?’ I thought they were joking and I laughed. They complained about me to my manager.”

“About 25 years ago I was explaining time zones to a 20ish year old intern at a large scientific agency. She wasn’t getting it, so i got an orange I brought for lunch and used it as the Earth. Me: ‘Ok, pretend this is the Earth. The sun only shines on one side, so it’s day on approximately half at any given time. Now since the Earth rotates (as i spin the orange)…’ Intern: ‘So wait. Hold on. So you’re saying the Earth is round?’ I wish i was joking.”

“Told a girl I was starting college in the fall and she asked if I was going to ‘Campus’. She had heard the word used and thought it was the name of a college.”

“’Is that the sun?’ It was after 10pm and, just in case you’re still wondering, no, no it wasn’t.

“Whilst being a tourist in the Colloseum in Rome, I once heard an adult tourist ask “Is this where Jesus fought the lions?”

The post 21 Outrageously Dumb Questions Overheard By People appeared first on Barnorama.

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