This collection is a humorous yet cautionary tale of the risks that come with adventurous eating. Prepare for some puffy, surprised faces that tell a thousand words!
“My 23-year-old face before and after an allergic reaction.”
“An allergic reaction to hair dye.”
“Allergic reaction to modafinil.”
“Progression of a gnarly allergic reaction to a bee sting.”
“Acute allergic reaction to henna.”
“Seems like I’m allergic to… EVERYTHING.”
“Half an hour into a cross-country flight I was itchy. Went to the bathroom and saw some bumps on my stomach. This picture was taken four hours later in the hospital room. It’s never happened before nor since. Misery is an allergic reaction at 35,000 feet.”
“My friend had a pretty ridiculous allergic reaction to hair dye.”
“So I had an allergic reaction yesterday.”
“My eye having an allergic reaction.”
“This was supposed to be a pretty henna wrist tattoo, but an allergic reaction has turned it into an oozing sore.”
“Here’s my friend’s reaction to makeup.”
“Guess I’m allergic to something. Had a reaction two days ago. This is what it looks like now.”
More hair dye.
“Friend of mine got an infected insect bite. What a ride this was.”
“I had an allergic reaction to a spider bite a few years back.”
“Got a mole removed and this happened. Doc said it was an allergic reaction to the adhesive.”
“Just an allergic reaction. Still scary!”
“Erythema nodosum, an allergic reaction/infection in my leg from an antibiotic.”
“This is what happens if you take amoxicillin when you have mono.”
“A not so wonderful reaction to accutane.”
“Bad allergic reaction, and I have a huge presentation tomorrow.”
The post 22 Faces That Paid the Price for Unwise Snacking appeared first on Barnorama.