These 22 photos shed light on the might and innovation of the world’s most powerful solar plants, each image a testament to the leaps made in clean energy technology.
A solar plant near California and Nevada’s border.
“Solar Heliostats at the Gemasolar Power Plant in Spain.”
“There’s a solar farm in China shaped like a Panda.”
“A Solar Power Plant in Fuentes de Andalucia, Spain on the day of its inauguration.”
A French parking lot lined with solar panels, date unknowm.
“The largest solar power plant in the world – Ivanpah.”
“I drove by 350,000 mirrors in the Mojave Desert.”
“Solar power plant in Ouerzezat, Morocco.”
“In South Korea, the solar panels in the middle of the highway have a bicycle path underneath.”
“Huge Solar Photovoltaic Farm – France.”
“India’s Newly Opened Renewable Energy Park; It Is 5x the Size of Paris …”
“This is what Disney World’s solar farm looks like from the sky.”
“Solar farm in the Algarve, Portugal.”
“Solar farm in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui, China.”
A solar farm in Hawaii.
An aerial shot of Taiwan’s National Stadium.
“Desert Sunlight Solar Farm, one of the largest solar farms in the world.”
A floating solar power plant in Hunan, China.
“Solar Farm in the Mojave Dessert.”
“Lebrija 1 Solar Power Plant in Lebrija, Spain. ~170,000 individual mirrors installed on 6,048 parabolic troughs.”
A glimpse at the Ivanpah solar plant.
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