39 Mind-Blowing Photos That Will Keep You Staring

These 39 stunning images are packed with awe-inspiring detail, capturing moments that are both visually striking and truly fascinating.

This is how tiny a hummingbird’s feather is compared to a penny:

This is what a chimpanzee’s hand looks like up close:

NASA gave some spiders a bunch of different drugs and recorded how it changed the way they made webs:

This is how big a size 18 shoe is compared with a can of soda:

This is what Antarctica would look like if all its ice melted:

Baby owls sleep facedown, on their stomachs:

These are some of several disguises that US Intelligence thought Adolph Hitler would use if he managed to go into hiding after World War II:

You’re definitely familiar with King Tutankhamun’s gold funerary mask, but did you know that the masks of other pharaohs have been found? This is the mask of the pharaoh Amenemope, circa 1000 BC:

NASA recently captured one of the clearest pictures of Jupiter yet:

This painting, “First Communion,” was made by Pablo Picasso when he was only 15 years old:

When Mount Vesuvius erupted in Ancient Rome, the explosion carbonized several loaves of ancient Roman bread:

This is what Times Square looked like in 1921:

This is a camera that’s swallowed to provide a closer look at the digestive system of a person:

Some parking garages have lights to let you know which spots are available and which are occupied:

This is the last picture ever taken of President Ulysses S. Grant, snapped days before his death at his home:

Sometimes tadpoles can either not mature into adult frogs or get very, very huge:

This is Emma Lilian Todd, the first woman to design an airplane:

This is a Chinese Water Deer, a deer that evolved to have tusks instead of antlers:

Horseshoe crabs have blue blood that’s harvested for medical testing:

This is what Mount Everest looks like from the window of a plane:

Some bees are blue:

This is the world’s tallest statue, the Statue of Unity:

It’s located in India and is 600 feet high.

And here’s how big the TOES of the statue are:

Before it became that iconic sign all us sign-heads know and love, the Hollywood sign read “Hollywoodland”:

This is Pauline Musters, the shortest woman ever to live:

She was 24 inches tall when she died at the age of 19.

This is how big everyone’s favorite telescope, the Hubble Telescope, is:

This is how big the largest shark that ever lived, the Megalodon, was compared to a human:

And here’s how big the jaws of the Megalodon were compared to a human:

One of the biggest fads of the 1950s was “phonebooth stuffing,” where-in a bunch of people would, well, stuff themselves into a phonebooth:

The world record at the time was 25 people stuffed into a phone booth. Truly an example of the triumph of the human spirit.

This is what the inside of a gas stove looks like:

Emu eggs look like something straight out of Game of Thrones:

Hotels used to have to put up signs explaining that electricity is safe and not to be feared:

In 1933, A.L. Kahn caught a 5,000-pound manta ray off the coast of Florida:

Those orange pylons in football end zones have so much technology in them that they require fans to operate:

This is what an anaconda looks like in the wild:

If you get a perfect score on the ACT, you receive this letter:

Gallstones can get really, really big:

This little old thing of unimaginable horrors is a tapeworm under a microscope:

And, finally, if you wear your Crocs out in the sun for too long you’ll get a wonderful little Croc tan:

Source: www.buzzfeed.com

The post 39 Mind-Blowing Photos That Will Keep You Staring appeared first on Barnorama.

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