9 Cartoons TV Shows That Predicted Future Events

You’ve got to hand it to the creators of some of our favorite animated shows; they knew what they were talking about. They predicted strange future technologies, major world events, and trends that would determine the course of pop culture.

Looking back now, it’s pretty wild to see how many things classic cartoons managed to get right about the world we live in today. You have to ask yourself whether the writers had access to insider information or maybe they were just extremely forward-thinking. Either way, prepare to have your mind blown at which futuristic predictions your childhood favorite cartoons got a spot on.

Futurama’s Vision of the Future Come True

Do you remember Bender, the iconic bending robot from Futurama? As funny as his pranks and wisecracks may have been, this program made uncannily accurate forecasts regarding robot advancements. Now companies are developing robots that have personalities like humans and can mimic human faces, just like our favorite beer-loving friend!

The Jetsons Knowledge About Modern Technology

The number of Jetsons’ gadgets that have become a reality is astonishing. This cartoon family from the 1960s was way ahead of its time with video calls and smartwatches, among other items. Just like we tap apps on our phones today to order takeout, buy makeup online, or even find a research paper writer, The Jetsons used buttons for everything – controlling their home, making food, and even getting dressed.

Their futuristic living made mundane chores a total breeze. And the best part: they had a Robot Maid called Rosie. Today’s smart home assistants like Alexa and robot vacuums are straight out of this space-age sitcom. The most recognizable Jetson technology was doubtlessly their flying car. Although we are not yet in the air, self-driven cars and electric vehicles are getting us closer to this dream every day.

Dextor’s Laboratory Foretold Today’s Inventions

The number of futuristic devices from Dexter’s Laboratory that have made their way into reality will astound you. The young prodigy created robots, cloning machines, and teleportation devices, among many more, which all seemed like science fiction at that time. But now? Robots can vacuum our homes. Remember Dexter’s intelligent, sarcastic computer? We basically have that with AI assistants like Siri and Alexa.

Animaniacs Songs That Were Ahead of Their Time

You might think cartoons are just silly and mindless fun. But the classic 90s animated series Animaniacs had some shockingly insightful musical numbers. These catchy tunes poked fun at things that turned out to be major issues decades later.

Remember the iconic “Don’t Tread on Us,” a “Battle Hymn of the Republic” parody about consumerism? Lines like “The actor’s a princess, the princess is fat…” savagely satirized celebrity culture obsession. It was hilarious in the 90s but feels creepily prophetic now.

Then there was “Don’t Let the Chip Stop You from Being You” – a cheery ditty about privacy invasion. Pinky and the Brain sang about data-tracking chips before most people grasped those threats. The tinfoil hat crowd was onto something!

Fairy Odd Parents Predicted About Smart Home Devices

Fairly OddParents was a funny show; we had no inkling, though, that it predicted smart home technology to come. Jorgen Von Strangle, the head fairy, used his wand as a remote for his smart home system: with one flick, he could adjust lights, temperature, or even cleaning messes. Does it ring any bells? Today’s voice-assisted smart home devices, such as Alexa or Google Home, are just like this feature.

Arthur Predicted Virtual Learning Before Its Time

Do you remember the well-known aardvark Arthur and his pals from the beloved children’s program? As it happens, they were much ahead of the curve in terms of online education. An instance of this is when Arthur and his friends skip school in favor of a “cyber study” program. This made it possible for students to turn in assignments online and have video chats with teachers while lounging about the house.

The episode is structured with all the characteristics of today’s virtual classrooms. There are domestic distractions, technical issues, and even an incident where Arthur is found playing video games rather than paying attention.

South Park Predicted About Hybrid Cars

South Park has an episode where the children go crazy about electric cars. In 2010, the “Smug Alert!” episode made fun of those who drove hybrid cars such as Toyota Prius. It satirized the “smug” attitude of eco-conscious drivers who felt superior for going green.

Little did we know, the show was predicting the massive rise of hybrid and electric vehicles just a few years later! The episode didn’t just predict the hybrid car boom – it influenced pop culture, too. Terms like “smug” and “getting smug” became widespread slang, referring to an obnoxious attitude of superiority or self-satisfaction.

American Dad Predicted Housing Crisis

In a 2005 episode, Stan gets a hot tub installed on a whim using a subprime mortgage. His shady lender warns, “These mortgages will run this country into the ground.” Turns out they were right. The reckless lending and risky mortgages fueled the real-life housing bubble burst.

What’s even weirder is how the episode depicted protesters with signs saying “No $$$ Down” and “Liar Loans.” Those were some of the slogans used by activists warning about the impending crisis.

The writers clearly did their research on predatory lending practices. Or maybe Seth MacFarlane is just a time traveler messing with us. Either way, it’s an eerie example of life imitating satirical art.

The Boondocks Predicted Political Issues

The animated sitcom The Boondocks was incisive in its critique of modern American politics and society. Looking back, many of its storylines seem downright prophetic. It tackled the subject of racism, corporate greed, and governmental incompetence fearlessly years before they became buzzwords.

The Boondocks demonstrated the flaws in a system that still perpetuates racism and inequality today through the Freeman family’s eyes. Episodes like “The Trial of Robert Kelly” or “The Story of Gangstalicious” did not hold back on their criticisms about celebrities` scandals and media sensationalism at large that favors rich people. Unfortunately, this show was way ahead of our time, as proved by recent events.

The post 9 Cartoons TV Shows That Predicted Future Events appeared first on Barnorama.

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