40 Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

These inspiring individuals perform extraordinary acts of kindness, bravery, and selflessness, proving that heroism isn’t confined to comic books and movies. From small gestures that brighten someone’s day to life-saving acts of courage, these heroes remind us that the power to make a difference lies within us all.

“Stumbled Upon This Pic And Thought The Shirt Was Just A Vulgar Cry For Attention”

“Turns out, these are the words this jogger screamed at her would-be sexual assaulter in a public restroom, and the squiggly lines are the GPS trail of her evading, and beating up her attacker. Respect”

“Syrian Archaeologist Khaled Al Asaad Who Devoted His Life To The Excavation And Restoration Of Palmyra, A Unesco World Heritage Site. He Was Beheaded By Isis After Refusing To Disclose The Location Of Ancient Artifacts, Despite A Month Of Torture. He Died A Hero Of Heritage Protection”

“Hedy Lamarr Escaped From Her Nazi Husband By Disguising Herself As Her Own Maid, Became A Top Actress In Hollywood, Then Co-Developed A Radio Guidance System For Allied Torpedoes- The Principles Of Which Are Incorporated Into Today’s Bluetooth And Gps Technology”

“Dashrath Manjhi’s Wife Died By Falling From A Mountain, The Same Mountain Blocked Easy Access To A Nearby Hospital. Over 22yrs He Carved A Path Through A Mountain Path With Only A Chisel & Hammer Reducing The Journey To The Hospital From 22km To 1km”

“A Member Of The Harlem Hellfighters (369th Infantry Regiment) Poses For The Camera While Holding A Dog That He Saved During The First World War Of 1918”

“Never Forget Witold Pilecki The Man Who Fought In The Polish Resistance, Willingly Entered Auschwitz Under A Fake Name To Figure Out What Happened In There, Organised Resistance Within Auschwitz, Broke Out And Continued To Fight The Nazis And Later The Soviets In Poland”

“The Daughter Of Minoo Majidi–A Mother Of Two Who Was Killed By The Iranian Regime While Protesting For Mahsa Amini–Stands At Her Mother’s Gravesite. She Is Defiantly Unveiled, And In Her Left Hand She Holds The Hair She Cut From Her Head”

“Jadav Payeng Is Better Known As The Forest Man Of India. He Earned This Name By Spending 30 Years Of His Life Planting Trees, Creating A Real Man-Made Forest Of 550 Hectares. Thanks To This Reforestation, Wildlife Has Return”

“Meet Abdel Kader Haidara, The Man Who Risked His Life To Save More Than 350,000 Ancient Manuscripts From Timbuktu From Being Destroyed By Al-Qaeda”

“Turkish Baby Saved After 130 Hours Under Rubble”

“Last Surviving D-Day Wave 1 Soldier Turned 99 On November 1st”

“Hussain Chaudhry, An 18-Year-Old Boy, Died Protecting His Mother From Thieves Who Broke Into His Home In Walthamstow, London 1 Week Ago. He Was Stabbed In Neck Protecting Her”

“This Is My Coworker Nigel. He Has Been Paralyzed Since He Was 30 From A Motorcycle Accident. He Strives To Be As Independent As Possible And Retrofitted A Snowblower To Attach To His Wheel Chair. He Is Beyond Awesome And Is Always Cheerful And Positive”

“Juliane Koepcke Was Sucked Out Of A Hole In The Airplane She Was Flying In After It Was Struck By A Bolt Of Lightning. She Fell 2 Miles To The Ground Still Strapped To Her Chair And Miraculously Survived. However, She Had To Endure A 9-Day Walk Through The Amazon Jungle Before Being Rescued”

“Annette Herfkens, The Sole Survivor Of Vietnam Airlines Flight 474. She Also Survived Eight Days Alone In The Jungle With Multiple Bone Fractures And Internal Injuries”

“He (Co-)created Rss, Markdown, Creativecommons, And Reddit – Thanks Aaron!”

“Peter Freuchen, The 6’7” Danish Nazi Killer. Freuchen Wears A Vast Coat Made From The Fur Of A Polar Bear That Had Crossed His Path”

“Unfazed Earthquake Survivor”

“”Mad” Jack Churchill, The Man Who Brought A Knife Into A Gunfight And Won, But It Wasn’t Actually A Knife It Was A Sword, And Ut Wasn’t Actually A Gunfight It Was Ww2″

“Tsutomu Yamaguchi Went On A Business Trip To Hiroshima On August 6th 1945 And Survived The Bomb, With Mild/Serious Injuries He Went Back To His Hometown And Reported To Work 3 Days Later… In Nagasaki, He Also Survived The Second Bomb”

“This Guy After Surfing During The Polar Vortex”

“Poon Lim Was A Chinese Sailor Who Survived 133 Days Alone On A Raft At Sea By Fishing, Drinking Bird Blood And Killing A Shark With A Jug Of Water.⁣”

“Even A Thousand Years Later, We Still Remember That One Badass Viking Who Held Stamford Bridge Against 15,000 Men Long Enough For His Army To Prepare For The Battle”

“Adrian Carton De Wiart, During Ww1 Was Shot In The Face, Skull, Ear, Chest, And Leg. After Losing A Hand And An Eye He Refused To Retreat, Staying To Toss Grenades. When A Doctor Was Later Amputating His Fingers He Got Impatient And Pulled Them Off. – He Later Said “Frankly I Enjoyed The War””

Source: www.reddit.com

The post 40 Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things appeared first on Barnorama.

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