Why Can’t I Withdraw Money From The Casino To My Bank Card?

Withdrawal problems occur at every second online casino. In some gambling clubs, customers are cheated by the owners of the project, and in others, the player simply does not meet certain conditions.

Today, real money pokies online guarantee players a fair playing field. Every customer will be able to withdraw their winnings within 10 minutes. Gambling club operators do not charge commissions when paying out jackpots.

The account is not verified

Most often, the delay in withdrawals is due to the user not identifying their identity. This can be done with a driving license or passport. Even a foreign passport is sufficient. The document needs to be photographed from various angles, and these photos should be sent to the customer service department.

Verification is a prerequisite for any certified casino. In this way, operators protect the project from fraudsters and swindlers. In addition, the player receives guarantees of protection. The fraudster, even if he comes into possession of the account, will not be able to transfer funds to his account.

Data verification takes a certain amount of time. We are usually talking about a period of several days. Therefore, if you do not want to wait for a long application, it is better to send your passport scans to your personal locker as soon as your account is activated.

Bonuses are not refundable

Every casino reward option must be worked out in accordance with the designated terms and conditions. If this is not the case, the player will either have to refuse the prize money or delay the withdrawal for days.

As soon as the bonus features are activated, the funds in the balance will be frozen. The player only has access to financial transactions in one direction. The user can top up the deposit an unlimited number of times. Withdrawal of funds will not be possible.

In reality, betting on slot bonuses does not take much time or money. The most important thing is to read the terms and conditions of the promotion in advance, prepare the necessary budget, and only then proceed to activate the incentive. This will help you quickly take advantage of the bonuses and win money, get a head start, and work off the promotion within 24 hours.

Violated casino rules

The gambling club operator has the full right to block payments and then restrict access to the account. Refunds of money spent on making deposits in this case will not be possible. The user agreement details the conditions of modern online casinos:

  • The customer is not allowed to use software to hack slot machines. Firstly, such programs simply do not exist. Whoever sells them simply makes money from gullible users. Secondly, any interference with the gambling club’s software structure is quickly identified by the security services.
  • A player must not insult the administrative staff or other players. Anyone who attempts to humiliate other players or, worse, to obtain money from them is immediately blacklisted.
  • Visitors are not allowed to use other people’s passports during verification. This may work at first, but later, the administration finds out about the cheating anyway. The account was immediately blocked.

If the money on the bank card takes too long to arrive, the online casino operator is not solely to blame. It cannot be ruled out that the delay is due to problems in banking organizations. Companies may not handle card transfers on holidays, weekends or carry out preventive maintenance at the time of withdrawal.

To resolve the problem, you should first contact the club’s support department. A member of staff will confirm that the transaction was successful and that the funds have been taken from the gambling club’s balance. In this case, you should already have contacted the bank directly and tried to find the details of the transaction with the help of online consultants.

The post Why Can’t I Withdraw Money From The Casino To My Bank Card? appeared first on Barnorama.

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