14 Surprising Facts You Never Knew You Needed


Welcome to a whirlwind tour of the wonderfully weird! These 14 random facts are like little treasures, perfect for impressing your friends or just enhancing your trivia game skills.

“From 1787 through 1912, the US never went more than 15 years without adding a state. Then 47 years passed before Alaska joined the union and US is now in the longest period in US history without a state being added (54 years). “

“A fig tree tricks a certain species of wasp to pollinate it, sends it down a small passage in the fruit where its wings are ripped off, after which it is digested by enzymes. Figs eat wasps.”

“At the outbreak of WWI, the Boy Scouts of America was the largest uniformed body in America. It was twice as large as the Army and four times as large as the Navy.”

“The urine of a diabetic contains so much sugar that it can be purified and made into a high end, single malt whiskey.”

“The longest female beard ever recorded was measured at 30cm. “

“The entire movie “Chinatown” is portrayed subjectively through the eyes of the main character, Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson), who appears in every scene. In fact, in the one scene when Gittes is knocked unconscious, the film fades to black and fades back in only when he awakens.”

“Gray whales’ mating ritual involves a third “male escort” whale courting the female. Although the male escort equally vies for her attention, there is absolutely no aggression between the males. The birthing ritual, on the other hand, involves a second female whale assisting the mother.”

“The worst breach of U.S. military computers in history happened when someone picked up a memory stick (infected by a foreign intelligence agency) they found in the parking lot and plugged it into their computer, which was attached to United States Central Command.”

“In 2001, the IRS estimated the tax gap, the difference between what is legally owed and the amount actually collected, was $345 billion.”

“During WWII, Pacific island natives thought the misplaced cargo parachute-drops delivered to them were from their dead ancestors. So, after the war, they imitated soldiers they had seen, re-enacting marches with wooden rifles and built airplanes of straw, in hopes that the airdrops would return. “

“Blizzard didn’t actually make Diablo. They bought a company named Condor, who was making Diablo and renamed it “Blizzard North”.”

“WWI pilots used to use pistols and carbines in air to air combat before guns were installed on planes. “

“There are Pre-Incan people still living on man-made floating islands of grass, as they have for hundreds of years, on lake Titicaca. “

“Stan Lee once commented that he liked to work “science” into all of his stories, and that Hulk’s pants were the only time he never had a clue how the exact science behind it worked.”


The post 14 Surprising Facts You Never Knew You Needed appeared first on Barnorama.

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