20 Scary Facts to Hide Under Your Pillow

Prepare for a wild ride through some of the weirdest, wackiest, and downright spooky facts you might wish stayed buried!

Orphaned newborn kittens have to be carefully monitored because they seek out nursing so aggressively that they attempt to feed off each other’s parts, often to the point of removing them entirely.

Bloodworms have teeth made of biological copper. They have METAL teeth.

Fatal familial insomnia. Super rare, but also super scary. Basically, you stop being able to sleep, then you go mad, then you die. No cure.

Microplastics are found in human blood, organs, and even placentas and brains.

Your eye lids are the same kind of skin as foreskin.

There are six missing nuclear bombs. That we know of.

Child slaves in the Congo mine the cobalt used in our phones.

The human brain is the same consistency as room temperature butter.

93% of human history is not recorded.

Your main body’s immune system does not know your eyes are a thing, and if it learned about them, they would be considered foreign objects and be destroyed. They have their own system.

Bedbugs practice traumatic insemination. The females have a genital area, but the males prefer to just stab themselves into the females’ abdomen.

At any given moment, and out of nowhere, our solar system could be blasted by a huge gamma ray burst. It would wipe everyone and everything out in a millisecond.

Organophosphates, including the chemical weapon Sarin Gas, work by inhibiting your muscle’s ability to relax. Your muscles basically constrict and can’t unconstrict, causing what feels like a muscle cramp through your entire body; your arms, your chest, your eyes, your tongue, everything. It most frequently kills via asphyxiation, because you can’t exhale. Surviving means a permanent, irrecoverable loss of motor function, even with rapid medical treatment.

Your organs know where they’re supposed to be and move on their own. During surgery, doctors will just stuff them back in and they’ll rearrange themselves back to their proper spot.

Many of the human organs trafficked on the black market in the United States come from narcos. There have been many cases involving medical professionals, and trucks that have been found with bodies that are missing organs.

Your bones are always wet.

Praying mantis females usually eat the males during mating but the male can continue without his head

Using and dumping sanitizer back in the wild will inevitably give bacteria enough time to have immunity to it. Which is something so dangerous that it could break humanity.

Many state departments of corrections try to anticipate the number of prison cells required in the future by tracking how many third graders fail the state reading assessment.

That some morgues only hire women to protect the bodies from necrophilia.

The post 20 Scary Facts to Hide Under Your Pillow appeared first on Barnorama.

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