How to Choose the Right Family Dog: A Full Guide

Expanding the family can be a very big decision because it will in some way shape the life of the members for many years, and situations in which there is a possibility to choose a family member are rare. Therefore, this list contains things to consider when looking to get a dog that will become part of the family.

Family needs

Just as the lives of all the inhabitants are different, so are the calls of the dogs according to the way of life they live. For example, suppose someone lives with their family in the countryside and has a large number of sheep. In that case, a dog that will take care of the sheep will certainly be of great help, whether they are all numbered or if someone lives in Alaska in places where everything is regularly covered with snow. They will need a rescue dog to take care of the family and make sure everyone is safe. There are situations in which a family member is blind and needs constant support, and for that, guide dogs are a relief because they are trained for such cases. If the goal is to get a dog that will play with your children and be a best friend, then cute dark golden retriever puppies are the best option for that. The dog is the one who will be with those who need help, but it is important to note that all family members should be there for the dog because they are very emotional beings who need love.

Living space

People live in different places, and accordingly, you should pay attention because the living space can affect the mood of the dog in many ways. All dogs love freedom, so it is almost always ideal for the space to be as large as possible, but still, many people live in buildings and apartments, so they often do not have the opportunity to expand, and perhaps it is not the smartest idea to take huge dogs in a small space. In any case, you should make sure that the dog has its place to sleep and is near where it will be fed because everyone sometimes needs time for themselves. Some dogs can’t stand the cold, while others can’t stand the heat, so it’s important to check if the breed of dog you want to get matches the conditions in which the family lives.

Characteristics of a dog

Dogs are very characteristic creatures, and according to the breed they belong to, there can be huge differences between them. For example, some dogs are extremely loyal, while certain species can be very independent. Certain breeds also enjoy spending time with children and love to play, while there are dog breeds that can be fearful or more aggressive towards children, and special attention should be paid to this. Some dogs bark a lot, while certain breeds can rarely be heard barking, which can be ideal if you live in an apartment with a lot of neighbors. This way, you won’t be bothered by the noise regularly. Independence is also an important aspect because some dogs can tolerate being left alone for a while, while others can panic very quickly if they are alone in the house.


Children in the early period can develop or have allergies to dog hair, so it is important to check this before the arrival of the dog. Allergy tests are available in every city, and the positive thing is that certain breeds of dogs have anti-allergic abilities, so they will not cause any problems for children. It is important to check this before the arrival of the dog because children can bond with it very quickly, and a sudden parting would be very difficult. There are also alternative solutions if it turns out that a child or a family member has allergic reactions, so it is important to check everything.

Possibility of training

A dog can be a very useful member of the family if it is trained adequately. This does not apply to all breeds of dogs because some breeds are much more obedient than others, but with the right methods, the basics can still be learned. Sufficient training for a family dog ​​would be one in which the dog would learn to play, and that is most often to fetch a stick or a ball, and this will make for a very fun and quality time spent together for the children and the dog. It will also allow the dog to spend its energy playing outside during the day so that it can be calm in the house. The methods used in training must be safe and completely non-violent.

Reputation of breeders

When a family decides that they want to get a dog and what kind of dog they want to get, it is important to find a good and reliable breeder who treats animals carefully and nicely. This is important because many people want to deceive others, so the dog that is purchased must come with all the appropriate papers that prove the ownership of the dog and transfer it to the family that wants to get it. A dog breeder with a good reputation is a real sign that cooperation will be good, and the owner should talk to them about advice that will be very useful.


This should be taken into account if the family that wants to get a dog travels and moves from place to place. Dogs are very easily attached to people but also to the target they are on, so there are frequent cases of the dog returning to its old place because it may have buried a favorite toy there or it misses someone from the neighborhood. That is why it is important to check what kind of dog can adapt to the changes that are happening to prevent future problems.

Together with the dog, every family will create unforgettable moments that will make the house always have a positive atmosphere among all the people in the house. This list contains the aspects that should be paid attention to when choosing a future family member, and therefore the decision must be in accordance with these requirements.

The post How to Choose the Right Family Dog: A Full Guide appeared first on Barnorama.

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