15 Ridiculously Niche Dating Apps You Won’t Believe Exist

A collection that delves into the world of hyper-niche dating. These apps cater to the most unusual and oddly specific interests, making you wonder who thought they were necessary.

1. Bristlr

Striving to “connect those with beards to those who want to stroke them,” Bristlr claims to help bring together “beard-loving singles” for “beardy-magic.”

2. FurryMate

Described as “the world’s premier furry dating site,” FurryMate connected furries, one paw tap at a time.

3. Hater

Though Hater — a dating app based on bringing people together through mutual hatred of various things — may have been offered a deal from Mark Cuban during its ‘Shark Tank’ stint, it ultimately OD-ed on Haterade and shut down.

4. Clown Dating

Not to be confused with Tinder, Hinge or Raya, Clown Dating is all about bringing together clowns, one circus at a time.

5. Mullet Passions

Mullet passions takes the old adage of “business in the front, party in the back” to new, freaky heights, helping bring together those with a thing for the ‘90s ‘do.

6. GothicMatch

Looking to bring an undead cutie back to your coffin? Look no further than GothicMatch, a website dedicated to bringing together goth folks.

7. Maple Match

Looking to leave the states as soon as Joe Biden/Donald Trump/RFK and his brain worm win the 2024 election? MapleMatch will help connect you with a hot Canadian — maple syrup not included.

8. DiaperMates

There’s something for everybody out there, we guess!

9. Luxy

Are you pretentious, annoying and down horrendous? Described as  “Tinder Without the Poor People,” Luxy is all about that 1%.

10. EquestrianSingles.com

EquestrianSingles.com — a dating app for people who want to ride horses after riding each other.

11. Amish Dating

You’ve heard of U-Hauling, now get ready for horse and buggy-ing!

12. Can Do Better

Wondering if you can find someone better than your current S.O.? CanDoBetter lets the internet answer that question for you, pitting couples against each other and giving the winner access to the site.

13. Sea Captain Date

“Sea Captain Date is the internet’s number one dating site for Sea Captains who wish to connect with men and women (on land and on sea) who share a mutual love of the ocean.”

14. Women Behind Bars

No parole? No problem! Women behind bars claims to be all about “compassionate communication, fostering understanding, and making a difference in the lives of those seeking connection behind bars.”

15. Farmers Only

He was a farmer. She was a farmer. Can I make it anymore obvious?

The post 15 Ridiculously Niche Dating Apps You Won’t Believe Exist appeared first on Barnorama.

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