45 Mind-Blowing Pics You Can’t Stop Staring At

This collection of jaw-dropping photos captures the extraordinary in the ordinary, turning everyday scenes into visual masterpieces.

This is what a report card from 1926 looks like:

This camouflage, known as “dazzle camouflage,” was extremely popular during World War I:

This is what a lighthouse lens from the 1700s looks like:

You’re probably familiar with the front of King Tut’s iconic death mask:

Well, this is what the back looks like:

Blue lobsters exist:

And grasshoppers? Well, some grasshoppers can be pink:

But back to lobsters: This is what a whole bunch of three week old lobsters look like:

Somewhere out in the world there’s a Red Cross van donated by Britney Spears:

For some reason unbeknownst to me, in 1920 a policeman did this off a building in New York:

This is 455 pound Piet van der Zwaard AKA the “fattest man in Europe” in 1955:

This is one of the earliest designs for roller skates. They didn’t catch on for some reason:

This is what a traffic light looked like in New York City in 1929:

In the early 1900s, one way to transport tons of materials and train parts was to suspend it hundreds of feet in the air and tow it across a canyon:

Some people have abnormally huge veins:

It was so hot in Arizona last week that WINDOW BLINDS were melting:

This is what the face of a sawfish looks like:

This is what the inside of an air mattress looks like:

This is what first class looked like on a plane in the 1950s:

This is Lemuel Cook, maybe the oldest living veteran of the American Revolutionary War, photographed in the mid-1800s:

The 2024 Paris Olympics are about to start very, very soon, so TV networks will probably show this exact view about a hundred times a day:

This is what those Olympic rings look like from behind:

And this is how big they are compared to a person:

This poster from the late 1800s advertises a fight between “the world’s thinnest man” and “the world’s fattest man”:

This is what the wheel of the Mars Curiosity Rover looks like after over a decade on the Red Planet:

You can buy a signed Babe Ruth baseball from Costco:

Some funeral homes sell cardboard box coffins:

This is what an MRI of a kiwi, a peach, and an avocado looks like:

This is what a size 74 belt looks like:

This is one of the few known photos of Vincent van Gogh, shown here at age 20:

This is what a modern-day “bulb” inside a lighthouse looks like:

This is a picture of the ice mountains of Pluto as seen from the New Horizons space probe:

Some movie theaters let you know straight from the jump if you need to sit through the credits:

Oranges float and limes sink:

Redwood trees are really, really, really, really big:

In some lines of work, you cannot carry a cellphone with a camera. This is what an iPhone with no camera looks like:

This is what a hummingbird egg looks like compared to an ostrich egg:

This is what the Statue of Liberty looks like from the back:

This, in all its 1912 glory, is what a first-class suite looked like on the ship:

Some libraries tell you just how much using them has saved you. Spoiler alert, my friend — it’s a lot:

In some places you can buy BAGS of cooking oil:

This is a sunfish…

Source: www.buzzfeed.com

The post 45 Mind-Blowing Pics You Can’t Stop Staring At appeared first on Barnorama.

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