49 Timeless Photos of Dogs Through The Years

Enjoy these 49 classic dog photos that celebrate the timeless joy dogs bring to our lives!

“A Caribou Inuit Girl Holds Her Canadian Eskimo Puppy”

“The TV Reporter Gerd Ruge Interviews Bastian, The English Basset Belonging To West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, In Front Of The West German Parliament In Bonn, Germany, On June 4, 1972”

“This Is The Official Nasa Portrait For Now Retired Astronaut Leland Melvin”

““Kitten And Foster Mother”⁣ Photo Postcard C. 1915”

“Dog Of Randall The Jeweler, Ca. 1875”

“The Concierge’s Dog. Paris, 1929.⁣⁣ Photo By André Kertész”

“Manchester Terrier With Cape, 1905”

“In 1968, The Beatles Released The White Album, And With It, A Song Called “Martha My Dear.”⁣⁣ It Was Inspired By And Written About Martha, Mccartney’s Dog”

“Portrait Of Harold Lloyd Sitting And Holding His Dog Specks In His Lap. The Dog And Harold Are Wearing Matching Eyeglasses. Date Unknown”

“Tatler Magazine, London, May 16, 1928”

“Knife Grinders In France In The Early 1900s.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The Workers Laid Face Down To Save Their Backs From Being Hunched Over All Day. They Brought Their Dogs To Lay On Their Legs For Warmth”

““All Ears.” NYC, 1980”

“In 1942, Pepito Von Zalez Became The First Chihuahua To Climb Mount Everest”

“Fully-Packed Londoners Leave Town, Carrying Golf Clubs And A Happy Dog, For An Easter Holiday Break In 1930”

“Henri Matisse, His Dog, And His Monstera”

“As Ashley Grew, Stein Realized The Precocious Pup’s Talents For Catching Flying Discs”

“Dog School, California, Ca. 1929”

“Writer Kurt Vonnegut And His Dog Pumpkin”

“The Year Was 1962, The Mets Played Terribly, And Their Original Official Mascot Was A Floppy-Eared Beagle Named Homer”

“The Final Exam For German Police Service Dogs To Remain Calm In Front Of A Cat, 1987”

“Jackie Robinson, His Dog, And His Wife Rachel At Their Home In Stamford, Connecticut, Shortly After He Was Voted Into The Baseball Hall Of Fame In 1962”

“A Woman And Her Dog In Harlem, NY. 1943”

“18-Year-Old Alice Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt’s Eldest Daughter, In 1902 With Her Dog, Leo, A Long-Haired Chihuahua”

“Dog Eating Ice Cream Cone Hidden Behind Boy’s Back. New York, 1949”

“In 1966, Life Magazine Featured A Photo Essay About Bellybutton, A 3-Year-Old Shorthaired Pointer With Amazing Underwater Abilities. He Could Go As Deep As 20 Feet And Would Remain Submerged For Up To 15 Seconds”

“On March 16, 1938, Hyde Park’s Own Shepherd LED His Sheep Along The Serpentine Pathway To New Grazing Grounds Elsewhere In The London Park. His Dog Has Taken To The Water To Prevent The Sheep From Swimming Away”

“4th Century Bce Greek Mug. Located At The National Etruscan Museum Of Villa Giulia”

“Betty White At Home With Her Dog, 1957”

“”Poodle On A Writing Desk” By Jacques-Barthélemy Delamarreby. Oil On Canvas.⁣ Late 18th Century”

“One Stray Dog Was A Constant During Protests In Chile, And Spotted Joining Protestors Against The Police. His Name Is El Vaquita, Meaning “Little Cow””

“Konrad The Dachshund Sits On Some Of His Winnings From The Gaines Dog Food “Lucky Dog” Contest, 1949”

“This Photograph Was Probably Taken By Either William E. Baker Or James Larry Johnson, Photographers Who Operated A Photographic Studio At 116 1/2 Dexter Avenue In Montgomery, Alabama, From The 1910s To The 1930s”

“Charging Thunder, A Sioux Native American From Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show”

“Woman Hailing A Cab In New York City, 1956”

“A Dalmatian With A Disney Artist At The Walt Disney Studio In Burbank”

“Photos Of Chilean Riot Dog Rucio Capucha. Rucio, A Stray Dog, Frequently Joined Protests, And Became A Target Of Deliberate Police Violence. After Being Injured By A Police Water Cannon During A Protest In Santiago, He Was Adopted By A Family”

“Dog On The Cover Of Life Magazine”

“At The Dawn Of Sound In Motion Pictures, A New Genre Of Short Films With Synchronized Sound Called “Talkies” Became Popular.“ In Response, Mgm Studios Came Up With “Barkies.””

“Humphrey Bogart And His Third Wife, Mayo Methot, With Their Dog, 1944”

“Johnny Lunchbucket And Friend – “A” Train To Brooklyn, New York, 1940s”

“Kato, Nicole Brown Simpson’s Akita In Laguna Beach. February 18, 1995”

“Cabinet Card Terrier C. 1890.⁣ Photo By W. Humphries”

“Irish Wolfhounds Were Documented In Rome As Early As 391 A.d”

“The Greyhound Bus Company Might Have Been Founded In 1914, But It Didn’t Adopt The Greyhound Name Until 1929”

“A Bronze Statue Of A Dog Named Rex, Lying On A Stone Platform Engraved With His Name. Rex Was The Faithful Companion Of John E. Stow, One Of The City’s Longest Practicing Fruit Merchants, Who Died In 1884”

“People And Their Dog In Nebraska

“Bluey Was A Female Australian Cattle Dog Born On June 7, 1910. She Herded Cattle And Sheep For 20 Years”

“An Afghan Hound In A Saab, 1960s”

Credits: www.instagram.com

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