Flat Fee MLS – Reducing the costs of selling real estate

The development of the real estate market is going in a very good direction. Demand for homes, condominiums and apartments is rising. Until recently, selling a home required paying a real estate agency a high sales commission. Currently, there is a new option and solution for people who want to sell their real estate on their own. This option is Flat Fee MLS.

  • Flat Fee MLS – what is it?
  • Sell your house with Flat Fee MLS!

Flat Fee MLS – what is it?

Flat Fee MLS is a service available to property owners. They can sell their property without a large commission paid to an agent. They pay a one-time fee, and their propertly listing is published on the website and the local real estate agency database (MLS).

In this way, real estate owners can market the price of their house, show photos, etc. on their own. At the same time, they benefit from the high traffic the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) provides. The offer is displayed to customers who are most interested in buying in the selected area.

It should be emphasised that the fee for this service is one-time. It may vary depending on the scope of additional services and the ability to present your offer against others.

The fees are not high and are very attractive. They are usually much lower than the price for a service in which the agent deals comprehensively with sales and all procedures.

Selling a house yourself means that you can keep more profit from the sale of your home due to the lack of an additional commission for the agent. As a direct seller, you have full control over your listing details.

Through a Flat Fee MLS service, you property will be displayed on all major real estate websites, including most all large brokerages.

Sell your house with Flat Fee MLS!

How can you use the Flat Fee MLS service? First, have a look at the service packages. Each of them may have a different scope and a different one-time fee. The price will cover the number of months for which the ad will be displayed on the website, the number of photos that can be added, and additional advertising and promotional campaigns. The more additional services and opportunities to present the offer on the Internet, the higher the price.

The second step is to complete the MLS forms that the system will recommend after selecting the price offer. Once completed, your property will be displayed on various websites dedicated to real estate sales, so it will reach people most interested in purchasing.

If buyers are interested in your property, their offers be will be directed to you. You will talk to them, negotiate, arrange a date for a personal viewing of the house and methods of payment.

Because the listing agent is less involved in the sales process, you save on sales commission and your overall net profit will be much higher.

The post Flat Fee MLS – Reducing the costs of selling real estate appeared first on Barnorama.

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